First 24 hours in Hospital with Baby

First 24 hours with Baby in Hospital

The first 24 hours after having Baby

Congratulations you made it and survived labour, baby’s out what’s next?

For me, the first 24 hours after birth was exhilarating and a bit hazy. Sleep deprivation and the huge responsibility of making sure this tiny human survives was a big shock to the system.

No one really tells you just how life-changing it can be introducing a newborn baby to the world truly is. My husband and I were naïve and didn’t expect the level of exhaustion and attention a newborn baby demands. Nor, did I ever think ‘baby blues’ (day four) was a real thing. Well wasn’t I surprised.

So how do you survive? What should you expect during the first 24 hours?

Skin to skin contact was number one. By placing your newborn on your chest skin to skin is such a simple and easy step in providing warmth, security and love. I would encourage both partners take turns to snuggle. It reduces crying, helps start breastfeeding and maintains your baby’s temperature.

Is he/she ok? She looks a bit cheesy?

Straight out of the gates…. Your babies skin may be blue and peeled, covered in amniotic fluid, blood and vermix (the cheesy white substance, this is normal). After birth, you baby starts to breathe, and their skin will turn pink, however baby’s feet and hands may still be blue for a few hours after birth.

After your first skin to skin contact and feed, your baby may be weighted and measured, (if not done earlier). During this time, you will be offered vitamin K injection for baby. This prevents bleeding from vitamin k deficiency.


“I’m new to this world Mummy and I’m hungry (all the time)”. Your newborn will show signs of wanting to feed soon after birth. Foreign to many new mothers, it came as a shock to me as the midwife grabbed my boob and shoved it into this tiny human. It was not natural to me and it took some time to get used to Baby attaching and feeding. With help, confidence and support we nailed it. The ‘liquid gold’ colostrum is consumed during the first few days. To be honest is yellow and thick and only a small amount but your baby will love it. Baby’s tummy is only the size of a marble, so its perfect. When your milk ‘comes in’ you feel like a feeding machine. A ‘Milk truck’ is what my supportive husband called breastfeeding. Don’t laugh it’s true!

Hey family what’s up?

What can my baby see, smell, feel, taste and hear? Your baby has been listening to your voice for the last 20 weeks and can identify it when you speak. Loved ones who have ‘talked to the tummy’ frequently may also be recognized. Baby will feel protected and calm when hearing these voices.

However blurry and in black and white shades your baby will be able to focus on your face. A distance known as the ‘cuddle distance’ (30cm away from) is ideal for your baby’s vision. Baby’s smell and taste is like being in utero. However, you might want to discourage Grandma and visitors from strong perfumes it can be over powering.


Sleeping, something you will miss out on in the first few months up to a year when the bundle of joy arrives and goes home with you. Your baby is now it what’s known as the 4th trimester and still needs you close by for at least 3 months. The baby will sleep most of the first 24 hours into this world.

Life outside the womb

Your baby will be observed after birth for its Apgar score. It’s a test to see how your baby is adjusting to the outside world. It records your baby’s heart rate, breathing, colour, muscle tone and reflexes. The maximum score is 10, a result of 7 or above means your baby is doing well.

Nappy changes

Don’t forget the newborn nappies in your #hospitalbag. Some hospital provides these, other’s do not. Beware the black poo! Meconium is black and sticky. Your baby will probably pass urine and meconium at least once in the first 24 hours.


Well done Mamma and Dadda! You have successfully created a tiny human together and your Baby is a miracle. My advice now… enjoy the ‘quite’ times together and cherish the newborn period. It’s over quick and they don’t go back. Safe travels home as your family has now grown plus one!

Posted By Chauntel on 30th May 2018

Updated : 30th May 2018 | Words : 742 | Views : 2793

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